Central european covered bond conferences

The annual conference focuses on questions of fundamental importance for all Covered Bond systems.

In 1997, the Polish Mortgage Federation initiated an exchange of views about Covered Bond Legislation in order to foster a transfer of know-how both from the west to the east and within the CEE countries. This has developed into a series of conferences, where questions of fundamental importance for all Covered Bond systems are discussed. The materials for the individual conferences are available here.


Conferences / conference documents

24th Central European Covered Bond Conference, Berlin 2020 - cancelled due to covid pandemic

This conference, scheduled for 15 / 16 October, was cancelled.

23rd Central European Covered Bond Conference, Copenhagen 2019

Agenda 23rd CECBC (24.10.2019)

Introduction by Otmar Stöcker, Managing Director, Association of German Pfandbrief Banks, Berlin

Panel 1: Implementation of covered bond harmonisation package - Part 1: Liquidity, Maturity extension, Transparency, Coverage (incl. OC) (Moderation: Sascha Kullig, Head of Capital Markets, Association of German Pfandbrief Banks, Berlin)

Slides Sascha Kullig, Head of Capital Markets, Association of German Pfandbrief Banks, Berlin
Slides Maureen Schuller, Head of Financials Research, ING Bank N.V., Amsterdam

Panel 2: Implementation of covered bond harmonisation package - Part 2: Segregation, Derivatives, Supervision (incl. CPM), Resolution/Insolvency (Fritz Engelhard, Managing Director – Research, Barclays Bank plc., Frankfurt) Slides Panel 2

Panel 3: Specialized mortgage banks in a harmonized world (Moderation: Kristian Kjeldsen, Head of Unit Financial Stability, Single Resolution Board (SRB), Brussels)

Slides Kristian Kjeldsen, Head of Unit Financial Stability, Single Resolution Board (SRB), Brussels
Slides Piotr Cyburt, Chief Executive Officer, mBank Hipoteczny S.A., Warsaw
Slides Eivind Hegelstad, Chief Operating Officer, Sparebank1, Stavanger
Slides Aksel Tarras Madsen, Chief Risk Officer, Jyske Realkredit, Lyngby
Slides Gyula Nagy, Chief Executive Officer, Takarék Mortgage Bank Plc, Budapest

Panel 4: Digitalization of real estate finance – land register (Moderation: Hans Fredrik Marthinussen, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen)

Slides Hans Fredrik Marthinussen, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen
Slides Antonio Marimón Prats, Marimón Abogados, Barcelona
Slides Kristian Ingemann Petersen, Deputy Head of Legal, Legal, Corporates, Nykredit A/S, Copenhagen
Slides Thomas Seeber, Partner, Kunz Wallentin GmbH, Vienna


22nd Central European Covered Bond Conference, Budapest 2018

Agenda 22nd CECBC (22.11.2018)

Introduction by Otmar Stöcker, Managing Director, Association of German Pfandbrief Banks, Berlin

Panel 1: Covered Bond harmonisation – Part 1 (Moderation: Rebecca Holter, Senior Director Covered Bonds, Fitch Ratings, Frankfurt) Slides Panel 1

Panel 2: Covered Bond harmonisation – Part 2 (Moderation: Kristian I. Petersen, Head of Legal, Nykredit, Copenhagen) Slides Panel 2

Panel 3: Digitalization of real estate finance with consumers (Moderation: Otmar Stöcker, Managing Director, Association of German Pfandbrief Banks, Berlin) Slides Panel 3

Panel 4: CB market development tools for CEE (Moderation: Andras Botos, Deputy CEO, Erste Mortgage Bank Hungary Zrt., Budapest) Slides Panel 4

E-conveyancing in Austria:

REALEST8 - Introduction Video (English)

REALEST8 - Introduction Video (German)

21st Central European Covered Bond Conference, Warsaw 2017

Agenda 21st CECBC (10.11.2017)

Introduction by Otmar Stöcker, Managing Director, Association of German Pfandbrief Banks, Berlin
"Business Case of mBank Hipoteczny S.A." by Piotr Cyburt, CEO, mBank Hipoteczny S.A., Warsaw
Panel 1: Resolution Planning - Bank resolution as by BRRD vs. Covered Bond Regulations for the Crisis of the Bank (Moderation: Steffen Sachse, General Counsel, Aareal Bank AG, Wiesbaden) Slides Panel 1
Panel 2: Covered Bond Harmonization (Moderation: Wolfgang Kälberer, Head of Brussels Office, Association of German Pfandbrief Banks, Brussels) Slides Panel 2
Panel 3: Mortgage Loan Transfer Solutions for CB Funding Purposes (Moderation: Agnieszka Tułodziecka, President, Mortgage Credit Foundation, Warsaw) Slides Panel 3
Panel 4: Digitalisation / Efficiency / Fintechs in Mortgage Finance (Moderation: Jean Christophe, Head of PIF Platform and pbb Digitalisation, Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG, Paris)    
Slides Thomas Bludau, Head of Service Management, ING-Diba AG, Frankfurt
Slides Reiner Lux, Managing Director, vdpResearch GmbH, Berlin
Slides Torsten Schmidt, Managing Director, TXS GmbH, Hamburg

20th Central European Covered Bond Conference, Munich 2016

Agenda 20th CECBC (28.10.2016)
Panel 1: Resolution and CBs - How to get prepared for a crisis situation? (Moderation: Filipe Santos Barata, Senior Associate, Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Abogados, S.L.P., Lisboa) Slides Panel 1
Panel 2: How to assess the quality of CBs? (Moderation: Michael Schulz, Head of Fixed Income Research, Nord/LB, Hanover) Slides Panel 2
Panel 3: Covered Bonds in Central and Eastern Europe –  Opportunities, Challenges and Outlook (Moderation: Franz Rudolf, Head of Financials Credit Research, UniCredit Corporate & Investment Banking, Munich) Slides Panel 3

Panel 4: Importance of mortgage collateral for CB’s (Moderation: Miloš Živković, University of Belgrade, Belgrade) Slides Panel 4

19th Central European Covered Bond Conference, Tarragona 2015

Agenda 19th CECBC (20.10.2015)
Neil Day: Cédulas de internacionalización pique foreign interest in ECA debate, in: The Covered Bond report, 11/04/2015
Video report on the conference
Panel 1: Should a harmonized framework dedicated to CBs and  cover pools in bank resolution procedures be created? (Moderation: Kristian Ingemann Petersen, Head of Legal, Funding and Capital, Nykredit, Copenhagen) Slides Panel 1

Panel 2: How to proceed, if cover pool proceeds prove insufficient:  secondary insolvency procedure or pass-through? (Moderation: Fritz Engelhard, Managing Director Fixed Income Strategy Research, Barclays Capital, Frankfurt)  

Slides Fritz Engelhard, Managing Director Fixed Income Strategy Research, Barclays Capital
Slides José de León, Senior Credit Officer, Moody's Investors Service Espana S.A.
Slides Andreas Luckow, Senior Specialist International Real Estate Finance, Association of German Pfandbrief Banks
Slides Agnieszka Tułodziecka, President, Polish Mortgage Credit Foundation
Panel 3: Valuation (mortgage lending value vs. market value) and  CB-LTV-purposes: Results of research of RT CBL (Moderation: Wolfgang Kälberer, Department Head, Association of German Pfandbrief Banks, Brussels)   

Slides Wolfgang Kälberer, Department Head, Association of German Pfandbrief Banks
Slides Jørn Andersen, Director Mortgage Credit Division, Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
Slides Adela Krakowiak-Seifert, Director/Head of Collateral Valuation, PKO Bank Polski
Panel 4: Cédulas de internacionalización: A new type of CBs for  funding export finance loans and blueprint for other countries? (Moderation: Sergio Nasarre Aznar, Professor of Civil Law, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona)   

Slides Sergio Nasarre Aznar, Director/Professor of Civil Law, Housing Chair - Rovira i Virgili University

18th Central European Covered Bond Conference, Tallinn 2014

Agenda 18th ECBC (03.11.2014)

Panel 1: SSM versus special public supervision on covered bond issuers (Moderation: Florian Hillenbrand, Vice President/Senior Covered Bond Analyst, UniCredit Corporate & Investment Banking, Munich) Slides Panel 1
Panel 2: BRRD / SRM: Protecting dual recourse and the security package (Moderation: Jörg Homey, Covered Bond Analyst, DZ BANK AG, Frankfurt) Slides Panel 2
Panel 3: LTV for cover purposes (Moderation: Mihkel Hollo, Covered Bond’s Project Manager, Estonian Banking Association, Tallinn) Slides Panel 3
Panel 4: Security right over immovable property - efficiency versus owners' protection (Moderation: Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre-Aznar, Civil Law Professor and Director of the Chair of Housing, University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona)   

Slides Martin Käerdi: Efficiency of Security Rights versus Owners’ Protection
Slides Freek Spinnewijn: Linking interest banks & vulnerable housing consumers: some ideas

17th Central European Covered Bond Conference, Copenhagen 2013

Agenda 17th CECBC (22.10.2013)
Panel 1: Special public supervision on covered bonds (Moderation: Michael Schulz, Head of Fixed Income Research, NORD/LB, Hannover) 

Slides Michael Schulz, Head of Fixed Income Research, NORD/LB, Hanover
Panel 2: EU-Harmonisation of covered bond legislation (Moderation: Jens Valdemar Krenchel, Head of Brussels Office, Association of Danish Mortgage Banks)  

Slides Jens Valdemar Krenchel, Head of Brussels Office, Association of Danish Mortgage Banks
Panel 3: Insolvency privilege for covered bonds: Hard bullets - soft bullets - pass-throughs - additional insolvency procedure over cover pool - dual recourse - bail-in (Moderation: Sascha Kullig, Head of Capital Markets, Association of German Pfandbrief Banks, Berlin)  

Slides Sascha Kullig, Head of Capital Markets, Association of German Pfandbrief Banks, Berlin
Panel 4: Consumer protection in enforcement and eligibility as cover mortgages (Moderation: Andras Botos, Secretary General, Association of Hungarian Mortgage Banks, Budapest)  

Slides Andras Botos, Secretary General, Association of Hungarian Mortgage Banks, Budapest
Slides Andreas Luckow, Head of International Real Estate Finance, Association of German Pfandbrief Banks, Berlin

16th Central European Covered Bond Conference, Warsaw 2012

Agenda 16th CECBC (14.11.2012)
Panel 1: Asset encumbrance and covered bonds (Moderation: Michael Zlotnik, Rating Advisory, Bad Homburg) 

Slides Michael Zlotnik, Rating Advisory, Bad Homburg
Panel 2: EC-directive on bank resolution and its effects on covered bonds (Moderation: Kristian Ingemann Petersen, First Vice President Group Legal Affairs, Nykredit, Copenhagen)

Slides Kristian Ingemann Petersen, First Vice President Group Legal Affairs, Nykredit, Copenhagen
Slides Gunnar Schuster, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Solicitors, Frankfurt

Panel 3: Funding of housing mortgages with centralised issuers in banking groups (Moderation: Piotr Cyburt, CEO, BRE Bank Hipoteczny S.A., Warsaw) 

Slides Piotr Cyburt, CEO, BRE Bank Hipoteczny S.A., Warsaw
Panel 4: Transfer of mortgages for covered bond funding purposes (Moderation: Tim Lassen, Representative Office Moscow, Hypothekenbank Frankfurt AG) 

Slides Tim Lassen, Representative Office Moscow, Hypothekenbank Frankfurt AG

Slides Andreas Luckow, Head of International Real Estate Finance, Association of German Pfandbrief Banks, Berlin
Slides Agnieszka Tułodziecka, President, Polish Mortgage Credit Foundation, Warsaw

15th Central European Covered Bond Conference, Budapest 2011

Agenda 15th CECBC (14.11.2011)
Panel 1: Risks involved in using public-sector debt as collateral for covered bonds (Moderation: Ted Packmohr, Head of Covered Bond Research, Commerzbank, Frankfurt)
Slides Ted Packmohr, Commerzbank, Frankfurt/M.
Panel 2: Special public supervision on covered bonds (Moderation: Johannes Rudolph, Director, Head of Covered Bond Research, HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG, Düsseldorf)
Slides Johannes Rudolph, HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG, Düsseldorf
Slides Stéphane Massa, Fides Audit, Paris
Annex 1
Annex 2

Panel 3:  Derivatives in cover pools (Moderation: Michael Schulz, Senior Covered Bond Analyst, NORD/LB, Hannover)
Slides Michael Schulz, NordLB, Hannover
Slides Gunnar Schuster, Freshfields Deringer Bruckhaus, Frankfurt/M.

Panel 4:  Timely payment in issuer's insolvency (Moderation: Florian Hillenbrand, Senior Covered Bond Analyst, UniCredit Corporate & Investment Banking, Munich)

Slides Florian Hillenbrand, UniCredit Corporate & Investment Banking, Munich